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Home 2012 March

GPS Logger Hardware v5.0

Published on March 20, 2012, by in Hardware.

Got another rev of the Skiing Datalogger, I had REV:B boards made but never built one up since I knew of the issue with the gyro and the holes didn’t line up with the case. This board is REV:C which I added some holes, all the flying wires are gone (so far) except the rework of the Venus GPS module which Sparkfun has changed in their new version. I have tested the individual components. Only the accelerometer is giving me issues at the moment. It is doing the same thing as the 6dof board though so it could be something in my code.
Datalogger Front Panel v1
I also had a board to be used as a front panel made, mainly to give a better way to connect to the remote keypad but it also serves as a place to LEDs and switches. The LEDs are bottom entry mounted on the back of the panel. Switches being surface mount on the front. (more…)


Sanguino Dev Enviroment

Published on March 4, 2012, by in Arduino, Software.

Should have posted about this earlier. I have been updating the Sanguino project over on Google Code with the changes I have made to support the atmega1284P and support up to arduino 0023.  If you have issues with the HEX files I posted here earlier check out the new versions.  If you still have problems open an issue on google code, I try to go through the issues reported ever week or two.

© Ryan M Sutton, 2015