I’m now back to the same functionality I had on the version I built on proto boards though now much smaller. I added a run/stop switch on the side. Each transition from stop to run will result in a new file being started. Two lights on the top, the green one is lit when the uC is in a ‘RUN’ state, the red one flashes after each track point is written to the SD card.
Since the plan is to use this while skiing I used a LilyPad wearable switch and LED sewn into a glove for status and control. The LED is just a duplication of the SD write led on the case. As long as it is blinking, there should be data being written to the card. Each push of the switch will result in a new track segment started ( and the old one closed ). I couldn’t find any of my LED LilyPad stuff so I de-soldered one of the switches and mounted a 1206 LED across the pins. The glove is connected back to the main box with a three conductor ribbon.
Hopefully will be trying this setup out tomorrow, interested to see if it actually works.

[…] I have used this interface sewn into a glove to start new tracks in the GPX file and also give me a visual […]